Forest School Block 2 (Nov/Dec 2024) - 7 Sessions


Relationship of Parent/Carer 1 to child

Phone number of Parent/Carer 1

Email address of Parent/Carer 1

Relationship of Parent/Carer 2 to child

Phone number of Parent/Carer 2

Email address of Parent/Carer 2

Does your child have any medical conditions that we should be aware of?

Does your child have any additional / behavioural needs that we should be aware of?

Does your child have any allergies? If yes, please list them.

Does your child require any medication? Please specify.

What is the date of your child's latest tetanus injection?

Has your child ever been stung by a bee or wasp? If so, what was the reaction?

I understand that as part of Forest School my child may take part in activities which could be deemed 'risky'.

I understand that these activities have been risk assessed and determined suitable.

I will remain responsible for my child throughout the session.

During the sessions, we may take pictures and/or videos for use on our social media, do you consent to you and your child being in these photos/videos?

To secure your booking, please make sure you have supplied the necessary information for your child.

Please refrain from using the 'quantity' counter. If you would like to book multiple spots, once you have completed the details for a child and added to the cart, you will then need to return to the store and fill in the form again.

The following dates for Block 2 are as follows:

  1. 5th November
  2. 12th November
  3. 19th November
  4. 26th November
  5. 3rd December
  6. 10th December
  7. 17th December

The timing for all of these dates will be 10:00am to 11:30am on a Tuesday